Children’s Book News: May 2020

Since the library building is closed, I thought I would draw your attention to the hundreds of children’s books that are available thru OverDrive. OverDrive is a service offered to PCL library card holders that lets you borrow digital content such as e-books and audio books.

There are chapter books, some picture books, and even easy readers. Such classics as Charlotte’s Web, A Wrinkle in Time, and Winnie the Pooh can be found. And, of course, the Harry Potter series!  More recent series include Ivy and BeanStick Dog, and Stink, to name just a few.

A library patron can access OverDrive in two ways:

1) Once you are in the Online Catalog on the library website, go to Online Resources. Click on OverDrive, select Placitas Community Library and enter your card number and phone number or password. This will bring you to the Sandoval Digital Library, which is available to other libraries in Sandoval County, as well. Click on “Kids” and you will be able to browse thru various categories, such as “New Stuff,” “Most Popular,” “Comics Corner,” and “Fantasy Land,” to name a few. Alternately, there is a provision for searching for a specific book on the opening page, as well as the kid page.

2) Another method for checking out OverDrive books is simply to search for a specific book in our Online Catalog. All OverDrive options will be indicated.
Wishes for happy e-reading, as well as healthy, fulfilling days. 

– Nancy Guist