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Exhibit: “Stitched…Woven…Appliqued…Embellished…Pieced”



November 22, 2022
January 5, 2023
Event Categories:


Placitas Community Library
453 HWY 165
Placitas, NM 87043 United States
(505) 867-3355

Explore the Art of Fiber 

Fiber or textile art is considered the oldest form of art. The first fiber was plain and created only to solve a utilitarian need.  But a plain “canvas” sparked artist to embellish and decorate it.  Artist have been using fibers obtained from plants, animals, and insects to create since prehistoric times.

Textiles in wall hangings and rugs kept our homes draft fee. Fiber clothes us and decorates our homes.  Fiber ropes and sails conquered the world.  Fiber covered airplanes concurred the skies.  While ”plain” fiber facilitated evolutionary gains through history; fiber artist are driven to beautify the fabrics that civilized our world.

Artists are encouraged to explore all the possibilities fiber brings to art. Woven, embellished, appliqued, painted, beaded.  There is no limit to what a fiber artist can do with a bit of fiber.


Exhibit Dates: November 22, 2022 through January 5, 2022

Submission Deadline:  October 12, 2022 (closed)

“Felted Blue Hat” – Pam Troutman