Library Staff

Lynne Hynes
(Library Director)
Originally from upstate NY, I spent the last 5 years in Utah before moving to New Mexico in 2022. I worked in the Albuquerque library system. I started at Placitas Community Library in August of 2023 as the library director and I've lived in Placitas since July 2023.

Furman Kelley
(Library Administrator)
I’m originally from South Caroline and grew up in New England. I traveled extensively in business for about 35 years before moving to Placitas in March of 2020. I started at the Placitas Community Library as the library administrator in Feb of 2021 and reside in Placitas.
Library Management Team

Anne Frost
(Adult Committee)
I moved to Placitas in 1990. I joined the newly formed Placitas Community Library Board when our library was just an idea, in 2003. As a bookstore owner, creating a library seemed a good fit. Over the years I've served as Library Director, Board Member, Board Co-Chair, and Adult Program Coordinator. It continues to delight me to lead a merry band of other volunteers in coordinating a variety of educational programs for this community including Star Parties, Book Talks, Placitas History, La Parranda Spanish, and all-day events featuring local geology.

Nora Timmons
(Childrens Committee)
My husband, Nick and I moved to Placitas in 2005 from Maryland where I taught middle school for 30 years. I joined the children's committee in 2007 and became the program coordinator in 2011.
Suanne Bryden
(Tech Services)
I joined the Placitas Community Library in early 2004, shortly after it had opened. During the first year I attended training classes to get certified to run a small library. I was then involved in cataloging the collection, a role I maintain until today. I also spent time in planning, building, and setting up the PCL in the new building. I wouldn’t want to be found haunting any other place!
Geri Verble
(Art Committee)
As a former high school teacher from Alexandria, Virginia, I have always enjoyed working in the field of creative arts. Since moving to Placitas, I have volunteered at the library in various positions for over fifteen years. In retirement, my focus and interest has been as a jewelry designer.
Wayne Gordon
(Building Maintenance)
I'm originally from Ridgecrest California. I spent my career in education, starting in special education. I worked as a school administrator, university faculty, ultimately finishing my career as the Education Programs Manager at the NM State Penitentiary. I moved to Placitas in November 2006 and began volunteering at the library on the building maintenance committee and later as part of the landscape committee. In addition to those two committees, I assist when needed with other library tasks.
Dawn Foster
I grew up in western New York State and worked as an environmental engineering consultant remediating hazardous waste sites. After retiring, I moved to Placitas in 2011 and started volunteering at the library that same year - first as a member of the Building Management Committee, and then after becoming a Sandoval Extension Master Gardener, as Co-Chair of the Landscape Committee.
Dianne Gonano
(Help Desk Coordinator)
Originally from Philadelphia and Singer Island Florida, I moved to Placitas in 2016. I started volunteering at the library in 2018. My professional career was in Hospital Finance.
Lynnette Fields
(Biblionix Coordinator)
I moved to Placitas in 2017 from the St. Louis area. I started volunteering at the Help Desk shortly after we moved here and have been on the Board since 2019. I am a retired librarian, so serving on the Board seemed to be the logical thing for me to do after retirement. I also chair the board of directors.
Amy Wilkins & Sherri Streicher
(Donated Books)
Amy Wilkins - Originally from Michigan, I moved to Placitas in 2017 with my husband, Bob, after living in New Jersey for 16 years. I started volunteering for the library in 2018 with the donated books team. In 2020, I started working as the bookkeeper for the library which puts my 39 years of experience in accounting and taxes to work.
Sherri Streicher - I was raised in the suburbs of Chicago and have lived in Boston, Singapore and Portland, OR. In early 2023 we moved to Placitas for the sunshine and the community, and found both in joyous abundance. I've worked in retail management, customer service administration, database management, and accounting. My favorite positions have involved books and non-profits, so I feel right at home with the Donated Books Team and grateful to be a part of this vibrant organization.