Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 6-10 PM
Placitas Community Library’s spring Star Party will be April 5, beginning at 6pm with Solar viewing. At 7pm The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS) own Star Master teach us about the multitude of star which will be in view that night— First Quarter Moon, the planets Uranus, Jupiter and Mars, bright stars…..Sirius, Procyon, Rigel, Betelgeuse, Regulus, Capella, and Arcturus…..and a number of open and globular star clusters. By then the sky will be dark and the stars will have begun to show themselves. Viewing will continue into the night. There will be a variety of types and sizes of telescopes to guide you to the wonders of our dark skies.
The Placitas Star Party is free and open to all people between the ages of ages 1 day and 120 years. So bring your family, friends and your curiosity. The enthusiastic members of The Albuquerque Astronomical Society (TAAS) will be on hand to share their knowledge of the heavens as well as the different telescopes on hand. Star Parties are a fun and informal way to learn, meet other sky watchers and inspire lifelong learning about our universe.
It is highly recommended that you arrive well before dark for ease of parking and for watching the setup of the various types of telescopes. Please have only parking lights on as you come into the parking lot. PCL’s magnificent “Parking Jedi” will be on hand with their light sabers to direct you. If you bring a flashlight, please cover it with red which is the only light which does not affect night vision. Dress warmly and only use red flashlights or headlamps in the observing area in order to preserve night vision. This event is co-sponsored by TAAS and the Placitas Community Library. For more information, call 867-3355 or send an email to taas @
Article by Anne Frost