Art Exhibit Specifications
Digital Photo Files for Publicity
- Exhibiting artists are encouraged to provide photos in JPEG format of their artwork for publicity purposes. Images may be posted on the PCL website, newsletter, social media pages and used in promotional flyers/posters. Notices are sent to the Sandoval Signpost and various local publications Please note: Photos received after submission deadline may not be included in PR materials.
- Additional promotion is up to you. Feel free to send out invitations or announcements to your patrons and friends.
- Recommended photo files specifications:
– Photos used in flyers, newspapers and the PCL newsletter must be at least 1,000 pixels both directions, 300 dpi and less than 10 MB. - Only JPEG files will be used.
– Files should be labeled with artist name and title of work.
– The photos must be sent as attachments to pcl.art.committee@gmail.com no later than stated deadline if not previously included on your Submission Form.
Art Sales/Disclaimer Form (optional – on request only):
- Artists are required to complete the Art Sales/Disclaimer Form . Include artist name, phone, mailing address, email address, title of work, medium, size and price.
- The first 2 columns will be initialed by the artist at installation and removal.
- The form will be filed at the Help Desk for the tracking of sales.
- The Art Sales/Disclaimer must be signed and submitted to the Art Committee on installation day with art work.
Display/Framing Specifications:
- 3D/sculpture/freestanding art work:
– Artists submitting 3D art are responsible for providing their own display equipment (e.g. pedestals, easels, specialty framing).
– Artwork must be compatible with the Walker display system to avoid damage to the work or injury to visitors.
- Hooks:
- D-hooks or eyelet screws must be secured onto the frame
- Place hooks 1/3 down from the top of frame. - Wire:
– Strong picture-hanging wire is required.
– The ends of the wire should extend 1.5 – 2” beyond the hooks and then wrapped around the main wire.
– The center of the wire, when pulled up, should reach no more than 2” below the top of the frame. - Sawtooth hooks:
– Wiring is preferred, but sawtooth hooks may be permitted if:
-- Artwork is not heavy: Hooks must support the artwork properly.
-- Small hooks are available. The library has a limited number of small hooks that can fit into sawtooth hooks.
-- Please confirm that your sawtooth hook will work. Discuss with Exhibit Coordinator at or before installation. - Tag on the back of each art piece:
– Artists must place a label including the title and the artist’s name on the back of each piece.
Artwork Wall Labels:
- All artists are responsible for providing descriptions of their work to the Exhibit Coordinator.
- Art labels are printed and displayed by the Art Committee.
- Descriptions must be sent to the Exhibit Coordinator no later than stated deadline/~2 weeks before installation day if not included on Submission Form.
- No changes will be accepted after deadline.
- Example:
. . . “Title”
. . . Artist
. . . Medium (Pastel, Mixed media, etc) or short description
. . . Price
. . . (Optional: Price without frame/display piece. This may apply to jewelry or small pieces that are sold without the display piece)
Business Cards, optional:
- Business cards (2” x 3.5”) can be brought to the installation.
Lobby poster or display:
- An exhibit poster or display will be placed in the foyer of the library.
- Suggested Contents:
– Title of the show
– Name of the artists
– Photograph of one or more pieces exhibited in the show
– Day, Date and Time of the Reception - Exhibit Coordinator or volunteer to provide the display: Please let your Coordinator know if you can help.
- Display should be brought to the library on installation day.
Installation and removal:
Installations and Removals are scheduled by the Art Committee, generally on Fridays, when the library is closed to the public.
- Your schedule: https://placitaslibrary.com/programs/art-exhibits/art-exhibit-schedule/
- If you have a conflict with any of the scheduled dates or times, please contact the Exhibit Coordinator ASAP.
- During the installation:
– Artists must verify, sign and date a completed Art Sales/Disclaimer Form provided by the Art Committee.
– Artists must initial the Art Sales/Disclaimer form for each piece installed. - Before removal:
– Inform the Art Committee if someone else will pick up your work. - At removal:
– Artists must initial the Art Sales/Disclaimer Form for each piece removed.
– Be prompt to pick up your work on your removal date. The library lacks space and insurance to store items.
- All displayed art work must be available for purchase.
- Art work and purchase prices are binding at time of installation.
- The contact details from your Art Sales/Disclaimer Form are used for payments to artists.
- It is the responsibility of each artist to update the information on their Submission Form if it changes. Send updates to the Art Committee at pcl.art.committee@gmail.com
- Sale procedure details are on the PCL website: https://placitaslibrary.com/programs/art-exhibits/art-exhibit-sales-procedures-and-practices/
Other webpages for review:
Please see https://placitaslibrary.com/programs/art-exhibits/artists-FYI/ important details.