Exhibit: Turning the Pages ~ Art Inspired by Books

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

In the digital age of "Kindle" reading and "Audible" listening, many of us yearn for the days of picking up a book and "Turning the Pages." There is something about the feeling and artfulness of holding a book, browsing through the beautifully illustrated art, and beginning the journey of reading. Literature is the inspiration for […]

Exhibit: Celebrating 25 Years – Placitas Studio Tour Artists

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

Twenty-four years ago a small group of artists in Placitas, New Mexico organized the first Placitas Studio Tour. Celebrating its 25th year, this event has become one of the most highly anticipated studio tours in New Mexico on Mother’s Day weekend. The PCL is honored to present work by the 76 artists of this year’s […]

Author Talk Martha Liebert

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

Martha Liebert, founder and namesake of the Bernalillo Public Library and past president of the Sandoval County Historical Society will be speaking about her book, "Bernalillo Between the River and a Hard Place". Come listen to Martha talk about the Sandoval County Historical Society and the making of the book about the history and stories […]

Heirs, Acequias & Parciantes

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

Ms. Rebecca Correa Skartwed and Land Grant historian Dr. Jacobo Bacawill educate us about heirs, acequias (community-operated watercourse), parciantes, the phenomenal land Grant activities that have been taking place in Placitas over the past 10 years, and about the history and purpose of Land Grants overall

Exhibit: Collaboration

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

COLLABORATION The action of working with someone to produce or create something. Making art is, for the most part, a solitary process. Artists toil alone in the studio and, if they’re lucky, find fellow “makers” with whom to share ideas and from whom they occasionally solicit feedback. The Surrealists overcame their solitude by playing “Exquisite […]

Reception: Collaboration

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

"Life's Fabric Holds Many Stories" ~Evey Jones and Donna Dowell

Exhibit: Shades of Red

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

The color RED has the potential to touch all our  senses: the taste of a tart cherry, the brilliance of a flaming sunset,  the sound of an explosion, the smell of a rose, the tingle of passion and seduction or perhaps the sensation of a slap across the face!    For our July/August exhibition, artists […]

Reception: Shades of Red

Placitas Community Library 453 HWY 165, Placitas, NM, United States

Image by:  Lani Hitchens - "Pomegranates"