
Unlike most public libraries, Placitas Community Library is a 501(c)3 nonprofit that depends on private donations and a full staff of volunteers.

Operational expenses come from your donations! Operational expenses include utilities, maintenance supplies, office supplies, and other operating expenses that keep the library building open. They also include the expenses of programs for children and adults, such as Children’s Story Hours and author discussions. Thank you!

These are voter-approved bonds that provide financial support to the library for books and other items in the collection, equipment and other limited expenditures. Please consider supporting our community’s non-profit library by voting “yes.”

Other than our library director and library administrator, the Placitas Community Library’s staff and board are all volunteers. The total contribution provided by the volunteer staff is approximately 1,000 hours per month – a truly generous effort made by wonderful members of the Placitas community. Volunteers staff the Help Desk, the Cataloguing and Techinical Services team, the Used Book Sales team, the Landscape and Building Maintenance teams, the Art Committee, and the Adult and Children’s teams, and more.