
Storytime Online!

The volunteers from the Children’s Committee love reading to your kids! We have stories recorded and are recording more, so check back again, too! The stories are on a wide variety of topics.  The books are pre-k to elementary level.  Click on “Programs” then “Children’s Virtual Programs” and pick your story!

Clustering in the face of uncertainty

Art Exhibit: Off the Wall

Think of this exhibition as lemonade. You know, like when life gives you lemons and you make something delicious out of them. In the “before-times,” Placitans frequently gathered at the library en masse to hear marvelous lectures on myriad topics, chairs set up front to back and side to side in the Collin Meeting Room […]


Art Exhibit: Flights of Fancy

“Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,” wrote John Gillespie Magee, Jr. in his oft-quoted poem High Flight, “and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings…put out my hand, and touched the face of God.” The entire poem appears on the back of the Space Shuttle Challenger Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery proving yet […]


Mirrors & Kaleidoscopes with ¡Explora!

Explore the amazing properties of mirrors, lenses, and light, and discover all the wonderful images and colorful patterns you get when angles and symmetry come into play. Design and build your own unique kaleidoscope! PCL is also providing the kits your children will need to participate. We are buying 10 kits from ¡Explora!.  First come, […]



The library will not be open on this day.


Art Exhibit: Artists in Residence


Shadow Puppet Workshops

Matt Sandbank’s virtual Shadow Puppet Workshops where children learn the Science of Shadow Puppets, Poetry Writing, and Shadow Puppet Creation.  There are 3 workshops about 30 min. each.  Appropriate for ages 7-11 and also for younger children with assistance from an adult.  This is a very creative and unusual program.  We hope you will take […]


Fairy Tales Gone Bananas!

A Fairy Godmother who has a fit of sneezes? A not-so-evil dragon prince who wants to plant flowers? A vain and bullyish beetle? An alligator and a dog who want to trade noses? A boy who jumps out of a giant peach? Step into Fairy Tale Land with not-so-classic characters who take children from America […]


Cat Tales: Art Exhibit July and August

Sigmund Freud said it best. “Time spent with cats is never wasted.” Accordingly, the Placitas Community Library Art Committee is excited to offer an opportunity to observe a host of fascinating felines at rest and at play. Beginning July 7 and continuing through August 27, this PCL exhibit will be available for the first time […]


Make-Believe Theater

Katie Adams’ Make Believe Theater with fairy tales from the Enchanted Kingdom with singing, colorful props, puppets and mime. The Enchanted Kingdom Fairytales storytelling show Classic Fairytales with Interactive Audience Fun Running Time: 45 Minutes | For Ages 3 and Up Hats for sale! Traveling hat seller and storyteller Katie Adams pulls in a wooden […]